Key Growth Factors for Entrepreneurial growth in Latin America

I’ve just come back from a very energizing trip to Lima, Peru, a country that’s becoming a benchmark for entrepreneurship in Latin America. I lived there many years ago, and it was great to return and see a vibrant community of innovators hard at work.
I had the honor of being recognized with the Latin American Entrepreneur of the Year Award at San Ignacio de Loyola University. During the award ceremony, I shared my story with over 1,000 enthusiastic students who are keenly interested in entrepreunership. I was also a speaker at C.R.E.C.E. (which means “Grow” in Spanish), an annual regional event held this year in Lima (Congreso Regional de Emprendimiento y Comercio Electrónico) and at LimaValley which further fueled my excitement for Lima as a start-up hub.
Check out some of the press coverage by the likes of Economía y Negocios, Terra Peru, El Comercio, Willax TV and La Republica so I can share with you my enthusiasm for what's happening in Peru.
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Reader Comments (2)
Hola Andres, es un gusto conocerte y saber que eres una persona emprendedora con exito, poes mi mensaje se refiere a que yo soy Ingeniero en Sistemas con una Maestria en Administracion de Empresas, soy Hondureño y poes me gustaria ser parte del grupo de trabajo de Open English, yo e manejado plataformas como la UNAH (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras), la Universidad CAtolica de Honduras que tienen una plataforma de aprendizaje Online, talves ser un Asesor en Open English seria una opcion de trabajo para mi. Ing. Jensen Omar Figueroa ( Saludes Cordiales
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